Every Day  with MyStreaks

You Can Streak Anything!

Download the App

What nice features
you have

Streaking is how you become the person you've always dreamt of becoming.

Adopt Streaks Icon

Adopt Streaks

See a streak you want to start?
Hit the "Adopt" button to instantly add it to your streaks.

You can also view how many other Streakers have adopted that streak.

Streaking App Communities

Create or Join a Group

Create or join a community with your friends, family, or anyone you want to improve with and enjoy your own space to post, connect, and celebrate!

Streaks Completed Today Metric

Explore Streaks

Connect with the largest community of people who are improving every day! From posts to streaks, you'll be sure to find something that will inspire you to keep your own streaks alive.

Screenshot of Streaking App Streaks Folders
Create Streaks

Who Do You
Want To Become?

Create streaks that align with the person you want to be. What you choose to streak will ultimately determine who you end up becoming.

Explore Features

Make it Visible, Stay Accountable

It's no fun to streak on your own.

Let's celebrate!

Like, comment, and follow other Streakers because the Streaking community is all about celebrating the successes of others!


Not sure what you want to streak? No problem! Just search the community and see what others are doing to give you a few ideas.

Screenshot of Streaking App Feed